Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bits and Pieces

Our trail ride the other day was awesome! We found a deep part of a stream to go swimming and it was FUN! Katy is such a water horse! It was super cute. Here's some pictures from our adventure:

I'm so excited for Inavale!!!! I'm slighly past the I'm-so-excited-I-can't-sit-still stage to the I'm-so-nervous-I- feel-sick stage. But mostly excited! I have dressage tomorrow at 8:45am and XC at 11:11am. Let's hope that it all goes well! As long as I don't forget my dressage test and I hope we have no refusals on XC though there's a pond, ditch and brush box that may be a little scary on the approach. Inavale was mentioned on Eventing Nation - so neat! I'll post how it goes tomorrow!

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