Saturday, April 23, 2011


Sorry, it's not a contest from me (though there will be one eventually!) but over at The Adventures of Lucy there's a pretty cute contest going on. If you've never read her blog, it's about a young Thoroughbred who I must say is pretty similar to Jetta, and their oftentimes very exciting journey under saddle. Go check it out and enter the contest! You have to choose at least three of her blog titles and make a mini story out of it. It ends tomorrow!

Here's my entry:

Today I decided to find out “how to melt your baby thoroughbred’s brain”. “Pony torture” is a very specialized field and it takes talent to do it properly. First, you should consider taking your horse for “a jaunt in the field” and introduce them to lots of scary things. After they settle down, it’s important to make them work on something very difficult, which they cannot process properly because, well, they’re OUTSIDE where there is GRASS! But they aren’t allowed to eat it of course. Your “bag of tricks” must also include giving your horse a bath after the very strenuous ride and then making them stand still for a long and thorough grooming. After all of this, your horse’s brain is probably quite melted by now, so you should make sure to counteract that by giving your horse some much needed treats and turnout on the pasture. I would say that was quite a “success” in learning the fine art of pony torture!

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