Your most recent fall.
Well, first let me start off by saying sorry for being late with my posts. I've been having computer troubles and for some reason my computer right now just doesn't like Blogger. I spent roughly 3 hours at the computer helpdesk yesterday... Sooo much fun! So, I'm writing this on my really awesome, brand-new Android phone . I love it!
Anyways, my most recent fall was at the end of last summer. I've talked a little bit about it on here. Basically what happened was this: Jetta had been under saddle probably a little less than a month. I decided to ride outside the rounded for about the second time ( I don't have an arena at home, I wish! ). We were on the hill and Jetta decided to have an argument with me. I wanted to go one way and she wanted to go the other. She slipped and fell on top of me. I didn't even realize we were falling until we hit the ground and I thought "Oh crap" as Jetta fell onto me. I was sure that she was going to lay in me and probably step on me once she got up. Luckily (I think) she rolled all the way over and off of me, then trotted off. After catching my breath, which had been knocked out of me, I walked over and took of Jetta's tack and set it on the ground. At this point I was super weak and it was obvious that something was wrong with my knees. I hobbled up to the house, which is quite a ways.from the field. I felt I was going to pass out on the way up, I was light headed, losing vision and freaking out because I thought I was going to pass out and I didn't have my phone to call anyone. But I made it to the house and drank some water, changed out of my breeches and started to ice my knees. They weren't getting better, but instead getting super stiff and puffy. I decided I needed to see a doctor and called my mom to met her know what had happened. Of course my whole family was in Washington. I started bawling if course because I was afraid I had torn something in my knee. My grandpa came and got me and took me to urgent care.
Nothing was broken and they didn't think I had torn anything. I sprained my left ankle and MCL in my right knee and bone bruises all around. I couldn't walk for several weeks and I was really glad that it was during summer so I didn't miss school. I didn't ride jetta for a couple months while I healed and then had to wait to bring her up to school.
The moral of this story? Always wear a helmet and have a phone on you when you ride!!!
Somewhat off track, but one thing I remember is a woman I know asked me what happened and I basically told her everything above. Her comment? "Oh, that's why I never ride.outside on grass." I had no idea how to answer. Um, I always ride on grass and in 10+ years this was my first fall. And it was on a very green horse who is super unbalanced and was arguing with me. While the slipperyness if the grass was a factor, it was a very small one!
So yeah, that's my most recent and also my worst fall ever!
PS: if u can see the picture I tried to insert, you can see I can finally bend my knees!

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