Wednesday, April 27, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 27

You know you're an equestrian when....(list five things)

Haha, this is a great one. Here are my top five:

You speak of things in "horse language" - the other day I was trying to describe a stretch of road where my radio lost its signal. I called it a bending line, as in when you jump a bending line...

You cluck at slow moving objects or when watching someone else ride try to help them out by clucking :)

Tell your dog (or spouse, children, or other moving objects) to "whoa"

Horses smell good to you and you don't mind when you smell like horse, this also goes for the smell of leather.

When you see an open field, all you can think about is how it is such a wasted space when it could be a nice pasture or place to go galloping!

Those are just a few of my things I think all horse people have in common. What are some other good ones you can think of? Let's get a list going :)


  1. Golf courses are the perfect potential event courses in my mind- if it's a hillier one, at least. Water complex is already pretty much there, as are the potential spaces for banks, complexes and other scaryexciting things... plus, all that perfect turf needs some tearing up :)

  2. Haha, that's a good one. Golf courses are definitely prime eventing courses :)

    A few more I found:
    You carry an extra leadrope in your car just in case of emergencies.

    You have a treat in every jacket pocket.
