Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September Goals

So, at the beginning of June I set some goals for the summer. Let's see how I've done in the 3 months since then...
1) Start schooling first level dressage movements (lengthenings, 15m circles and half circles)
Ha, ha, ahaha. Fail. We were struggling to actually make a round 20m circle, much less try smaller circles or attempt lengthenings.

2) Showing!!! Go to Dressage at Devonwood and/or the ODS Breeder's Classic and some local shows.
Well, I'll say we accomplished this. We went to two shows - a league show and the Breeder's Classic show. I was happy with the league show, but the other one was a complete, utter disaster. Read about it here if you missed it. I don't even want to think about it.
3) Go trail riding, possible a beach ride may be in our future?
Accomplished! We went trail riding several times at home and at JF's barn. We also did one beach ride where she did awesome and there may yet be one more beach ride before school starts...
4) Take some lessons in dressage and jumping
Nope, nada. Ok, well actually I did take a dressage lesson because I went to the Youth Clinic at Devonwood, so I would say I accomplished this, though not in the sense that I really wanted to.

5) School on a cross country course
Yes! This was one of the better things I did this summer and I was so proud of Jetta!

So new goals for September. Well, it's already half way through, so maybe these should be September/October goals? Anyways, here they are:
1) Take a jumping lesson. Or two, or three, or a whole bunch :)
2) Jump at least once a week or once every other week! We need to get some practice in :)
3) Adjustibility in the canter and improve downward canter transitions.
4) Shoulder-in at the trot, haunches-in at the walk
I also hope to get some video of Jetta working in the long lines, as she's doing really well and I really enjoy doing it. And hopefully I'll post a little more often :)

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