Monday, April 21, 2014

Dropping Like Flies

My show plans seem to be steadily declining, which makes me kind of sad, but at the same time my original plans were quite ambitious.

April 27th - Dressage League Show- decided not to go to this unfortunately. I thought it would be perfect preparation for our recognized show, but the ultimately decided that it's not work it to drive four hours away. It would be cheaper to just take a lesson with KB instead.

May 4th - H/J show. Local, not the cheapest, but I think it would be fun to take Jetta and Misty. But I'm not quite sure yet, so this may not happen either.

May 10-11th - Heart of the Valley Recognized Dressage show- definitely going to this one. I've gotten my entry confirmation already and I'm super excited!

May 17th - Mt. Adams endurance ride. I've been planning this ride since last year, but as it gets closer and closer I'm getting less sure.

It doesn't help that I found out that there's an open Quarter Horse show that I could take Misty to and show her in the beginning ranch pleasure, reining and working cowhorse classes. The prize in which is a belt buckle... Tempting. Mostly because I'm not sure Jettas exactly where I want her in terms of fitness. I'm sure we could go out and do it jut fine, but I want to be a little bit more competitive this time. I know we're nowhere near ready to try and compete for top ten, but I still have a little bit of competitive drive kicking in.

May 31st-June 1st - One day horse trials, planning on going at least one day with both horses!

While I want to do all of these, I'm just worried about being able to do the recognized Horse Trials I wanted to do. I really wanted to aim for two of them this year, but since one generally wipes out my horse show money account, I don't know how I'm going to manage it so I'm thinking that in terms of money less shows is better, but in terms of preparation, more is better. Ugh. I hate making these kind of decisions.

At least last year was super awesome in terms of dressage shows, but I was wanting this year to be the year of horse trials! I got my award plates in the mail last week to add to my collection. Jetta got two plates for training (4 scores) and first (6 scores) and Misty got one for intro (2 scores)! Can't wait to order a plaque to mount all of them on.


  1. BELT BUCKLES. I got obsessed with them in a 3 year time span. 9 buckles later and I am over it, but man are they fun to have. I say do it for fun! Love your award plates!

    1. Yes, I have 5 horse ones but I'm still obsessed!

  2. Hopefully you can get out to some shows! The plate are so fun! Can't wait to see what you do with them :)

  3. Belt buckle!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think you know my vote :)

    1. Haha, yeah I think I can guess which one you'd go for ;)
