Since my boots are currently in the shop and hey, Christmas is around the corner, I decided to do a little research on DeNiro boots. I. Am. In. Love.
This is the DeNiro Leuca Field boot that Smartpak carries |

Another Leuca but in dress boot style. |

I am loving all of their different and crazy styles, especially because they're all so beautiful! And keep in mind that they're all off the rack, not custom, thus they don't come with the custom price tag.
As a slightly related question - Do you think field boots are hunter/jumper ring only? Would it look out of place to wear field boots in the dressage ring or dress boots in the hunter ring?
I've always had dress boots because I hated the way that the fake laces on field boots looked, but now that the laces have been updated with the stretchy ones, I kind of like them, so I'm thinking of the Leuca boots and SmartPak only carries the field boot style. Thoughts?
The Leuca boots are both really nice. I think I like the field boots a bit better so I say go for it!
ReplyDeleteI love those silver ones so much!!
ZOMG I LOVE those speckly ones third from the bottom, but I don't know if my calves would fit in any of those boots :0
ReplyDeleteSmazourek, the great thing is that they have different calf sizes and heights so theoretically, they should fit almost anyone :) I'm glad I have found fellow horse people who like strange boots! I don't think I could pick a favorite, I love them all!
ReplyDeleteAt what level dressage are we talking? And do you only plan to use them for dressage or to event? If they are only for dressage then I would say go for dress boots. But if you are eventing and using them for both dressage and XC/stadium then I would go with field boots. But that is just me I have seen a ton of eventers wear field boots into the dressage arena even at the recognized prelim level.
ReplyDeleteThanks Amy! That was just the kind of info I was looking for. I plan to use them for eventing (hoping to get to training/prelim), but I also like to enter just dressage (up to third level potentially) or hunter/jumper shows so I wanted to see what people thought was "the best" for both worlds :)
ReplyDeleteI love some of those and others are just wild!
ReplyDeleteWhen and where.... I would never wear dress boots in the hunter ring but I have worn field boots in the dressage ring.
I think that even though dressage looks more formal, the dress standards for hunters are much stricter and what is acceptable is very much on everyone's mind.
I have competed in dressage in hunter gear, including a jump saddle, won classes, always received good scores (except that time that Shorty bucked his transitions) and gotten nice comments on turnout because everything was squeaky shiny clean, braided, polished and looked ready to compete.
Very true Barbara, I've definitely noticed that in the hunter ring, there is an unofficial dress code that must be followed! Thanks for your input, that makes me feel better about wearing field boots in dressage if I do decided to get these :)
ReplyDeleteWho are the third to the bottom boots designed by? I must know! They are the brown with perforated skin.
ReplyDeleteThey are all designed by DeNiro, those particular boots are called the Remsesa2 Leopard Print Boots, their website is, which is where I stole all the pictures from :) I don't know of anyone in the US who sells these, besides SmartPak, who only has two of the conservative models. I also found them on a UK website -