It began with a nasty email and ended with a flood.
Oh, you want more? The whole story? Ok, well you have to promise not to laugh at me. Promise? And this is going to be really, really long since I just want to complain about everything. Be prepared.
I got a nasty email from someone this morning that was totally uncalled for. I guess some people just can't be civil. I won't go into details unless you're absolutely dying to know but it pissed me off. Amazing how one little email can darken your whole morning. I steamed all the way to my first class.
Class went as usual, nothing exciting there. I'm feeling incredibly stressed right now since all my final projects are due this week and finals are next week. I
finally get out to the barn to ride my pony. Her stall is filthy. I have never seen it this bad. There is not one scrap of clean, dry bedding. It is wet, it is nasty. There is a
puddle of pee in the corner. Hmph.
Ab-sol-ute-ly disgusting! |
The water bucket. It should never look
like this. I don't want to make my horse have to
drink out of something that looks like this. |
Why am I so upset? Because I've talked to the BO about it several times. I've offered to pay for extra bags of pellets and I buy Stall Dry to help with the wetness. I get it, Jetta is really messy, but why would they ever let it get that bad?! It is bad for so many reasons:
- The ammonia in urine breaks down proteins in the hoof wall and sole, softening and weaking those structures.
- "Harmful effects of ammonia inhalation include burning of the delicate tissues of the lungs and eyes, narrowing of the throat and bronchi, fluid in the lungs, airway hyperactivity and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)." Quote
- What horse would ever want to lay down in pee-soaked bedding?? I was always taught that a stall should be clean enough that you would lay down in it yourself. Pony club anyone?
- It reflects poorly on the barn because quality barns uphold a higher level of horse care.
Not only that, but there is a sign with bright red letters saying that she bites! And that her gate must stay up, so she can't stick her head out and see what's going on or talk to the horses next to her. My first thought was "What did they do to make her bite?" Because she
doesn't bite. Sure, maybe when I pull her mane she bites or she'll bite other horses out in the pasture, but never another person. She's too much of an attention hog for that. So I hmphed about that too.
Hmph. |
I fumed my whole ride, so it's not surprising I didn't have that stellar of a ride. But she was still pretty good and I got off no more upset than I was when I had gotten on.
By that time, all the horses had been fed and the hired hand left without cleaning the stall. Hmph. So I untacked Miss Jetta and cleaned her stall. I stripped the filthy nasty thing and dragged her filthy water bucket out to empty it (I need more adjectives that mean the same thing as filthy) and gave it a good scrub. I'm still stunned at how bad they let it get. I left the water bucket filling while I ran and got some bedding pellets. I figured that we might be out of pellets, which is why Jetta's stall is just as filthy as it was yesterday, but nope, two whole pallets of pellets. I marked down the two I took on the chart and headed to the stall.
No shortages of pellets here. |
Ok. You promised you wouldn't laugh: As I'm walking back, I hear the unmistakable sound of the water bucket running over so I drop the two bags of pellets I'm carrying and sprint to the hose and turn it off. The stall is flooded with about a half inch of water. Cue beating head against wall.
FINE, you can laugh now. I admit I was chuckling as I beat my head against the wall. Now, if that isn't a sure sign of insanity, I don't know what is...
So I spend the next thirty minutes scooping water out of the stall with a shovel into the wheel barrow. It took about two half-full wheelbarrows to get it moderately emptied. Luckily, bedding pellets are made to be watered down a bit (though not as much as I did!), so once I put the pellets in the stall, they fluffed up and were pretty dry. Jetta's hay was soaked, but I don't think she minded as she happily slurped it down later on.
One of the wheelbarrows full of water... |
The moral of this story: Keep your eye on the
#?*!%@/~ bucket while you're filling it! Ahem. And please excuse my language. It's been a long day.
Jetta had been standing in the cross ties while I cleaned her stall, so she was quite antsy with anticipation for her dinner and I had yet to clean out her feet. I picked her hooves with some difficulty since she wasn't wanting to stand still, managing to get ThrushBuster all over my hands. If you haven't experienced Thrush Buster, then you don't know that it's a nasty smelling (not as bad as Coppertox though) dark purple liquid that stains your hands for weeks. By the time I turned the pony back into her stall (with the gate
down so she could stick her head out), I was covered in horse slobber, nasty filthy stall material, dirty water, Thrush Buster, and arena dirt from Jetta's hooves. There was no way I was still going to the grocery store like that.
So that was my day. Pretty rotten. I feel (and I'm sure I also sound) like a Scrooge today. It's a good thing I'm not also suffering from hormonal mood swings because then I'd also be sobbing right now. But I'm not, luckily.
After I cleaned it. The stall should look like this at least half the time IMO! |
Fresh clean water is a must in my books. |
The nasty dirty stall was a last straw kind of thing, so I've notified the BO that I am switching to partial care and will be cleaning my own stall from now on. I probably should have done it earlier, but I was hoping it would improve. I pay $50 extra for full care, but I'm not really getting anything out of it, so at least my poor horse won't stay in a gross stall 24/7. I've also decided to switch barns. It's probably no secret to regular readers that I don't really like the current barn I'm at. It does have a lot of nice amenities, but they're not worth it if my horse isn't being cared for properly. Of course no one has any openings right now, but I've gotten on the waitlist for another barn that I adore. I probably won't move until the next school year, but at least I'm feeling better since deciding to move and I'll look into a few other places around.
Sorry for
talking your ear off writing your eyeballs out but I just needed to vent. I seem to do a lot of that, but well, that's my life I guess.