Friday, September 13, 2013

Photo Friday

Sorry for the inconsistent blogging, I'm trying to stuff as many things as possible into the last few weeks of summer before I head back to school! Which means lots of trail rides and other fun stuff.

My friend AR and I had a photo shoot with our horses the other day and it was a lot of fun. Nice to get pretty pictures with the ponies. I'm trying my hand at doing more portrait photography besides just horse shows and landscapes. I was quite pleased with the results for what little experience I have doing portraits, though after looking at them I wished I had turned my flash on for some fill in the sunset shots!

But here are what I have edited so far out of all 800 that we took. I'm still only halfway through AR's pictures.

My fav

And the ones of me and my girls taken by AR and edited by me:

Except I took this one. Love it if I do say so myself!

Jetta is confused, lol