Since there is absolutely NOTHING exciting happening in pony land. I haven't even seen the girls but once briefly. But now that I have a few days off work that will change! In the meantime, I bring another year-end post.
And also this ridiculous picture of Jetta: my view when giving her smooches. |
Here's what I wanted to achieve in 2013 and let's see how I did!
- Compete in a 3' class - hunters or jumpers and I'd just like to have a clear round!
Success! I did a hunter/jumper show at the beginning of the year with Jetta and we competed in our first 3' class. Warm-up was pretty embarrassing and I wasn't sure we were quite ready for it, but the first class we went in, a hunter class, Jetta rocked it. Of course, I was super excited when my mom told me she caught it on video... come to find out, it was a 3 second video of the ground. Bummer. We did two other 3' jumper classes. One fail due to rider error (I forgot a roll back) and then the last class she bombed through a fence because she was getting tired. But, we accomplished one clean, awesome round! And we've continued to school 3'+ at home and she's been great.
- Compete in one recognized and two league dressage shows
Somewhat of a success. I competed in way more than two league shows so this year was way, way better for us in terms of dressage competitions. However, I didn't get to accomplish the goal of a recognized show. The show I wanted to attend was in early summer and at that point, I didn't feel Jetta was ready for that level of competition. Now, if it had been at the end of summer, that would have been awesome.
Here's how our shows went:
Training Level
- 65.0% at Training Level Test 2
- 65.8% at Training Level Test 3
- 64.6% at Training Level Test 3
- 62.419% in Training Level Test 3
First Level
- 61.724% at First Level Test 1
- 62.42% at First Level Test 1
- 66.724% at First Level Test 1
- 62.027% at First Level Test 2
- 66.757% in First Level Test 2
- 64.0% at First Level Test 3
- Ride a first level test at a show and score at least a 65%
Success! Our last show earned us two 65%+ scores!
- Compete at the recognized Inavale HT - I don't care whether it's at Novice or Beginner Novice I just want to ride in it!
Also a success! I had a blast. Jetta was awesome (in everything but stadium). We finished with a number and not a letter, which was the goal and we were actually only one place away from getting a ribbon. So close!
- Ride in a schooling HT and not get eliminated
Well, not quite. We did a schooling HT and did get eliminated, but it was still an improvement. However, we did complete a recognized HT without getting eliminated (see above). So it was kind of a success.
- Try to get Jetta inspected by a warmblood registry, probably RPSI or Oldenburg
Fail. I don't know why I never got around to it this year. I think it was just poor planning.
- Compete in an LD endurance ride!
Success! This goal got added in late but it was something I really wanted to do and while it took us forever to actually achieve (I planned on completing it at the beginning of summer but didn't get to until fall). It was awesome and now I can't wait for the next one!
Goals for 2014. These are just going to be for Jetta, because she's the main gal around here. The name of the game is attainable goals. I have some loftier goals, but I'd really like to be able to check things off, so here we go:
- Compete in a recognized dressage show. Finally.
- Get a ribbon in a horse trial! Either from a schooling or recognized one. I don't care I just want that ribbon!
- Ride at Inavale and/or one other recognized HT.
- Compete at Second Level at least once and score in the 60's.
- Compete at Novice and just not get eliminated.
- Show at 3'+ in a jumper show (Yes, again. But hey, maybe we'll try out a 3'3" class)
- Do at least one, but hopefully two LD endurance rides.
Ok, and I actually will add in a couple Misty goals.
- Hopefully do another sorting competition
- Take a reining lesson
- At least school cross country but hopefully do a one-day show at the Intro or BN level.
- Mountain Trail Competition
- Show at Training Level and work on First Level at home
Sounds like good stuff.
ReplyDeleteYou guys accomplished a ton this year! You may be the busiest blogger I read :)
ReplyDeleteNever thought I'd hear that! But it really was a busy year for us, the busiest I've ever had!
DeleteCongratulations on completing those goals.
ReplyDeleteWow what a list! And sounds like next year is going to be busy and fun! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteThe video burn is very familiar to me...hate that! Can't wait to see what the next year brings you!
ReplyDeleteI know, especially because it always happens when you have your best ride... And thanks! I hope next year is just as successful :)
DeleteGood job! Quite the year!
ReplyDeleteThanks :)
DeleteWell done! Looking forward to following along next year. :D
ReplyDeleteThanks, I'm glad :)