Thursday, October 18, 2018

Fall Photos

As usual, I don't have much to report around here. I am enjoying my current rotation on small animal medicine, however it doesn't leave a lot of time for riding. Jetta's mild lameness in her front feet has finally resolved so I wish I was!

However, I've been itching to get fancy pictures with Jetta this year and this fall has been GORGEOUS recently. I can't afford to hire anyone to take my pictures and I don't have any photography friends who had time at the moment so I coerced the BF to take my pictures. He has a rudimentary grasp of photography but I can do all the settings on my camera and direct him how to take them. He was a good sport, though obviously not super enthusiastic about taking a bunch of pictures of a horse, but he got some great ones! He said, and I quote, "Even a blind squirrel can find a nut."

I didn't get all the pictures I wanted (someone was impatient), but enough that I'm content for the next few years probably. They turned out so great and I wish there were other people that would let me take fancy dress-up pics in this little forest grove!

Hopefully I'll get to ride Jetta soon, though sadly I don't think our goal of competing at the end of this month is going to happen. We will see!