Thursday, January 4, 2018

2018 Goals

This years goals were pretty simple:

  • My main goal is to have a healthy, happy little foal. I am trying so hard to keep my hopes down since I have seen anything and everything go wrong with foaling. I am so nervous!
    • Success! Maisie was born textbook perfectly with no complications! Now to continue to keep her happy and healthy.

  • I am hoping to find a horse to ride in some capacity during the spring and early summer. This is my last free summer so I want to make the most of it. The goal is to find a green horse that needs miles or someone who just doesn't have the time for their horse. And maybe even get to show said horse. Free is the name of the game.
    • Also a success. I got to lease Trask for 6 months. He ended up being my most challenging project thus far, but he was also really fun and taught me a lot of patience! We went to a handful of shows, both dressage and eventing.

  • Once my (hopefully) bouncing baby buckskin is born, I aim to take it to get approved with RPSI since there will be another inspection at the same barn as last year. Also, get the baby its lifetime registration with USEF.
    • Also a success! RPSI is now Westfalen so baby got branded and registered. Lifetime registration with USEF was included with registration

I'm not really sure where to set goals for this coming year. It's going to be very busy with school, so I might get very little horse time in.

  • My far off goal is for Jetta and I to get our First level scores for our Bronze medal. I've wanted to work towards this for a while and I think it's definitely doable, I just need to hurry up and get started! This is far off since I start clinics in June and I'm really poor so hopefully I can save and have enough for a recognized show!
  • Take Jetta for trail rides! I'd really like to go to the beach since it has been years! 

  • Baby needs to learn lots of things
    • Tying
    • The beginnings of lunging
    • Ponying
    • Trailering by herself
    • Teach her to self load in the trailer
    • Take her on a handful of field trips
    • Bathing
    • Maybe wear a surcingle and bit