Favorite show picture
I will keep reposting this photo forever, especially as it's from my favorite show this year - our first recognized dressage show!
Favorite non-show picture

I am ecstatic over how these pictures turned out. I could not have asked for better!
Favorite thing you bought
I don't think I ever blogged about it, but I got this helmet on super clearance this year and I LOVE it. I have never had such a nice helmet!!
Favorite moment on horseback
First time out with both my girls - puppy and horse went for a perfect walk around the field.
Favorite moment out of the saddle
Seeing how well Maisie handled things on her excursion to the barn, how she didn't even care about walking over poles or investigating the sprinkler and fan. She is such a great baby horse!
Favorite "between the ears" photo
I think this was my favorite trail ride all year - on my birthday even!
Favorite horse book or article
Sadly, this was not a year for reading. So unless study material for the NAVLE counts...
Favorite horse ridden or cared for besides your own
I have quite a few horses that I loved caring for at the vet school during my rotation on large animal medicine. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to post pictures without client consent and I never really took any anyways! I got to interact with some really great owners who loved their horses and it made me fall in love even more with my chosen career path. I was so glad we got to have lots of happy endings for horses that were really sick and made good recoveries.
Favorite funny picture of your horse
I had way too much fun with Maisie's birthday party this year
Favorite fence that you successfully jumped or movement that you conquered
I was so proud of Jetta at this show for being able to transition from a lengthened canter back to a regular canter without throwing a fit or trying to yank me out of the saddle. It was definitely one of the things we struggled with the most this year.
Favorite horse meme or funny picture
I don't know why I find this so funny, but it's hilarious