
Monday, February 4, 2019

Update Overload

I'm not even sure where to begin, it's been a while.

First off, most importantly... I passed my boards!!! In less than 5 short months I will actually be a DVM. It's crazy that it's finally almost here - exciting, but mostly terrifying. But that's another post. It's been a really long 4 years!

Lots of things have happened the last couple months:

Jetta did this. Because she's an idiot. Apparently her neck cover came off partially and when the BO called the horses in for dinner, she started running with the other horses, then obviously her neck cover was flapping around and "chasing" her. So the logical thing to do would be to run through the fence, right?

Such a dumb dumb

Luckily she ended up with no serious injuries, just a few superficial scrapes. The next day her legs were swollen, but she's a delicate flower and was never actually lame. A couple doses of bute and she was back to normal!

We went on a frosty New Years day ride which was lovely. But very very cold.

 I've been working with Maisie on groundwork and she's occasionally looking like a real horse a times. An awkward moose calf at other times.

Maisie got to go on another field trip to the barn. She got to hang out in the cross ties, where she's mostly trustworthy. And she got her first full bath! She was MAD about it, or as mad as a little baby horse can get. Lots of pinned ears and tail swishing, but that was it.

Finally getting almost trustworthy in the crossties
My two favorite nicknames for her: my baby string bean or baby noodle
Wearing Jetta's cooler

And then I had a bad day where I euthanized several horses in a row at school, so we did this:

And I didn't die. I never thought I would ride Jetta tackless simply because she's the kind of horse that likes to go-go-go and getting her to slow down is not her favorite. She's been a tough horse to train so while she's very responsive, she also doesn't have the most eager-to-please personality so I just resigned myself to not trusting her without tack, despite the fact that I love liberty work.

Speaking of liberty work, I do a lot of that on the ground with Jetta when I'm too lazy to ride and I've been having a ton of fun with it lately - Jetta is learning how to collect her trot and canter, in addition to changing the size of her circles while free lunging. I'm hopeful it'll translate to better transitions in the saddle!

How's that for a disjointed, overwhelming update post?!


  1. HI! And congrats on your boards -- that's huge!!!! Omg, the baby looks like she's going through some growth spurts:) I SO want to try the tackless thing one day!

  2. Congratulations!!! I can't believe how big Maisie is getting -- she's growing up so fast!!

  3. Congrats on the boards, that is an accomplishment! And glad Jetta did not hurt herself, sheesh. Echo did something similar when he spooked himself just before I mounted. The stirrups banged his sides & he proceeded to run through TWO fencelines before stopping. Fortunately, it was my flexible Horseguard tape, so a couple minor scrapes & a fat ankle that resolved in a week. Kids...always thinking the stirrups are an imaginary demon kicking them...or something...

  4. Congratulations on passing your boards! I'm glad Maisie is coming along and that Jetta is ok despite her intentions to maim herself

  5. Always good to hear from you! Congrats on the boards :) And YIKES about Jetta and the fence. Glad she wasn't seriously injured.

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